Browsing CategoryFemale Leadership

Working Virtually – The Distorted Self-Image Trap

Are you obsessed about how you looked recently during that virtual meeting? Those bags under your eyes seem to get heavier each day. What about that double or triple chin and shiny forehead? There is a word for the hyper awareness of our looks ‘Zoom dysmorphia’.

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Force From the Finnish Forest – How nature is your secret to success

Nature and as such the forest provides for us a well of wellbeing. The environment where we live influences our mood. Research shows that our environment can increase and reduce our level of stress, anxiety and even our heart-health. Spending even a short time in nature lowers our blood pressure, reduces anxiety, improves our mood and physical health.

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Leading Ladies in International Development Panel

The Leading Ladies in International Development Panel Discussion is part of a larger initiative to inspire, promote and support female leaders and leadership: The purpose of the Leading Ladies initiative is to advance women in leadership, raise the profile of leading women overall and inspire young rising women leaders to pursue their career dreams. The “Leading Ladies” Panel project is focusing on different aspects of women leaders.

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