Browsing CategoryLeading Ladies

Who am I as a Leader? – On Finding your Leadership Style

How do you discover your own authentic leadership style and is there only one style that is truly your personal leadership approach?

These are questions we often ask ourselves.

A quick online search on ‘leadership styles’ will give you several different answers. Some articles list five, others six, another one ten and so on.

How do you know what expert to listen to and what list of leadership styles to use when selecting yours? Is there one style that fits everyone everywhere and always?

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Leading Ladies in International Development Panel

The Leading Ladies in International Development Panel Discussion is part of a larger initiative to inspire, promote and support female leaders and leadership: The purpose of the Leading Ladies initiative is to advance women in leadership, raise the profile of leading women overall and inspire young rising women leaders to pursue their career dreams. The “Leading Ladies” Panel project is focusing on different aspects of women leaders.

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